Channel: Gareth David Studio
Category: Education
Tags: design artworkingdesign a logologo design tipsgraphic design tipsfinal logologo vectorconvert logo sketchdesign courselogo tipslogo tutorialmake a logodesign processlogohow to design a logologo design tutoriallogo design processlogo toolslogo artworklogo beginnersgraphic designidentity designlogo designerlogo courselogo design courselogo inspirationlogo designlogo processdeciding on a logo design
Description: When I am designing logos, in the early stages I typically like to look at how my logo design can work in a variety of compositions, so I can explore and test my design to see which ones I think work the best. “Now it’s important to mention that I would not show lots of logo versions of a single logo design to a client, developing lots of versions in the early stage is just for my own development to test and develop my design.” Once I get to a stage where I feel I have developed enough options and I have created some that I think are working really well, I will then look to choose the best design in preparation to build a presentation ready to show to the client. Over the past few episodes I have demonstrated how I took my scamp designs and developed them into finished artwork in illustrator. Now it’s time to reflect on the work we have done up to this point and decide on which logo we are going to showcase to a client. In this video I am going to reflect on my logo design and discuss some of the things we can keep in mind when choosing our logos. So let’s get into it! ***************** DOWNLOAD LINKS: LOGO DESIGN COURSE PROJECT & ASSET FOLDER: Get the course project & asset folder from the course overview video here: TUTORIAL COURSE PDF WORKSHEET: Download for FREE PDF from the course overview video here: ***************** COURSE PLAYLIST: This video is part of a 44 part course: ***************** TOPICS COVERED: 00:00 Introduction 03:08 Task 2 - Decide On a Logo Design ***************** FOR MORE EXCLUSIVE CONTENT CHECK OUT: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook page: Support On Patreon: LinkedIn page: GDS Blog: ***************** GD Studio Copyright GarethDavidStudio © All Rights Reserved Content may be distributed freely for educational purposes only Website: Contact: ***************** #GraphicDesign #LogoDesign #DesignCourse